Open Position --- Planning Board


The Planning Commission is a nine (9) member board created pursuant to the provisions of RIGL 45-22-1 et. seq., Chapter 15 15-31 et. seq. of the Town Charter and Chapter 213 213-1 et. seq. of the Code of Ordinances.  The Planning Commission pursuant to the Subdivision & Land Development Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance reviews and approves (based upon the Planning Department recommendations) plans for land development projects, minor subdivisions (5 of fewer lots), major subdivisions (more than 5 lots) guarantees (cash bonds) to insure for the satisfactory completion of projects and sole approval of comprehensive permits for low or moderate housing.  In reviewing and approving plans, the Commission must take into account land use regulations, environmental concerns, natural resource conservation, traffic impacts, economic development preservation of historical sites and aesthetic appearance of structures.

If interested in applying, you can find the application for all Town boards and commissions at the address below. Position is open until filled.